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Farming in America: Are We Really Screwed for Sustainable Future?

In the United States, several large agricultural and farming giants play a significant role in shaping our food supply chain. While it's important to note that the agricultural industry is diverse and consists of various players that we will never see in the news, the following companies are often recognized as key players due to their size, market influence, and involvement across different aspects of the food supply chain. Here are the current companies that have put profits over health and well-being.

  1. Cargill: Cargill is one of the largest privately held companies in the world and a major player in the agricultural sector. It operates across multiple segments, including grain trading, livestock and poultry processing, food ingredient manufacturing, and agricultural services. Cargill is involved in sourcing, processing, and distributing a wide range of agricultural commodities, such as grains, oilseeds, meat, and dairy products.

  2. Archer Daniels Midland (ADM): ADM is a global agricultural processor and food ingredient provider. The company is involved in the sourcing, processing, and distribution of agricultural commodities, including grains, oilseeds, corn, and cocoa. ADM operates across various segments, including oilseeds processing, corn processing, agricultural services, and flavors and ingredients. It plays a crucial role in the production of food and feed ingredients, as well as biofuels.

  3. Bayer AG: Bayer is a multinational pharmaceutical and life sciences company that has a significant presence in the agricultural sector. Through its Crop Science division, Bayer is involved in the development, production, and distribution of crop protection products, seeds, and traits. The company's portfolio includes herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and genetically modified crops, among other agricultural solutions.

  4. DowDuPont: DowDuPont is a conglomerate resulting from the merger of Dow Chemical Company and DuPont. Although the company has undergone subsequent restructuring, it remains influential in the agricultural sector. DowDuPont, now known as Corteva Agriscience, operates in areas such as crop protection, seeds, and digital solutions. It offers a wide range of products and technologies for crop production and protection.

  5. John Deere: John Deere is a prominent manufacturer of agricultural machinery and equipment. The company produces a comprehensive range of farming equipment, including tractors, combines, sprayers, and precision agriculture technologies. John Deere's products are widely used by farmers across the United States for various agricultural operations.

  6. Syngenta: Syngenta's presence in America signifies its commitment to revolutionizing agriculture and addressing the challenges faced by farmers and the global food system. With a focus on innovation, sustainability, collaboration, and farmer support, Syngenta strives to contribute to a more resilient, productive, and sustainable agricultural sector. By leveraging its expertise and global resources, Syngenta aims to play a vital role in shaping the future of American agriculture and ensuring food security for generations to come

It's important to take note that there are thousands of employees that work for these corporations that believe that they are just "doing their job", but in reality they are modern day slaves pushing a deadly agenda. We cannot point fingers them for wanting to get their paychecks, instead let's try to spread awareness rather than condemn them, as they are probably driven by greed and and fear of losing their employment.


What is the Solution for More Sustainable Farming practices?

Promoting sustainable farming practices in America requires a multi-faceted approach involving various stakeholders, including farmers, policymakers, consumers, and agricultural industry players. Here are some key solutions that can contribute to more sustainable farming practices:

  1. Education and Knowledge Sharing: Providing farmers with access to information, training, and resources is crucial. Educational programs can focus on sustainable farming techniques, such as conservation agriculture, precision farming, crop rotation, and integrated pest management. Farmers can benefit from learning about the latest research, best practices, and innovative technologies that can optimize productivity while reducing environmental impacts.

  2. Support for Transitioning to Sustainable Practices: Transitioning to sustainable farming practices often requires upfront investments and changes in farming systems. Financial incentives and support programs from government agencies and agricultural organizations can help farmers adopt sustainable practices. Funding can be directed towards research and development, infrastructure improvement, and grants or subsidies for implementing sustainable technologies and practices.

  3. Precision Agriculture Technologies: Advancements in precision agriculture can significantly contribute to sustainable farming practices. Technologies such as remote sensing, GPS, and data analytics enable farmers to monitor crop health, optimize fertilizer and pesticide applications, and reduce resource wastage. Encouraging the adoption of precision agriculture tools and providing training on their use can enhance resource efficiency and environmental stewardship.

  4. Soil Health and Conservation: Promoting practices that improve soil health, such as cover cropping, conservation tillage, and organic amendments, is essential for sustainable agriculture. These practices enhance soil fertility, water retention, and carbon sequestration while reducing erosion and nutrient runoff. Supporting research, providing technical assistance, and incentivizing soil conservation practices can help farmers prioritize soil health.

  5. Diversification and Crop Rotation: Encouraging farmers to diversify their crop rotations can reduce pest and disease pressures while improving soil health. Crop rotation helps break pest cycles, reduces the need for chemical inputs, and enhances nutrient cycling. Providing information on suitable crop rotation options and their benefits, along with financial incentives, can encourage farmers to adopt these practices.

  6. Conservation of Water Resources: Sustainable water management is vital in agriculture. Promoting efficient irrigation techniques, such as drip irrigation and soil moisture sensors, can minimize water wastage. Encouraging the use of water-saving practices and technologies, such as rainwater harvesting and precision irrigation, can help conserve water resources and reduce the environmental impact of irrigation systems.

  7. Support for Agroecological Approaches: Agroecological farming systems, which emphasize ecological principles and biodiversity conservation, can contribute to sustainable agriculture. Supporting agroecological practices, such as agroforestry, polyculture, and natural pest control, can enhance ecosystem resilience, reduce chemical inputs, and promote long-term sustainability.

  8. Consumer Awareness and Demand: Educating consumers about the importance of sustainable farming practices and the benefits of supporting sustainable agriculture can create market demand for sustainably produced food. Increased consumer awareness can influence purchasing decisions, leading to the growth of sustainable farming practices and incentivizing farmers to adopt and maintain sustainable practices.

These solutions require collaboration and coordination among farmers, policymakers, researchers, industry stakeholders, and consumers. By working together, it is possible to create a more sustainable agricultural system that balances productivity, environmental stewardship, and long-term resilience. As a community and general population, we will always go for the "value" of a cheaper price, but at what cost?

Mahalo Nui

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