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Supporting Care Waialua: Cultivating Compassion in the Wake of a Marijuana Raid

Updated: Nov 4, 2023

In the aftermath of a recent marijuana raid on the North Shore, Care Waialua, a local organization dedicated to providing compassionate care, supporting our senior citizens and medical patients with Cannabis, finds itself at a crossroads. As they navigate the challenges brought forth by the seizure of nearly a thousand plants, it is crucial for us, as a community, to rally behind them and offer our support. In this blog, we will explore several ways in which we can come together to help Care Waialua in their mission to bring healing and compassion to our community. These are our Kapuna that are in need of this medicine, shame on the Federal government for taking this away from them so unexpectedly.

The Healing of an Island.

  1. Spread Awareness and Understanding: One of the first steps we can take to support Care Waialua is to raise awareness about their mission and the valuable services they provide on the North Shore of Oahu. Educate your friends, family, and community about the importance of compassionate care, and the positive impact it has on individuals facing health challenges. By spreading understanding and dispelling misconceptions, we can create an environment of empathy and support for patients and the Cannabis community that does more good than harm.

  2. Volunteer Time and Skills: Care Waialua relies on the dedication and commitment of volunteers to carry out its mission. Consider donating your time and skills to this worthy cause. Whether it's lending a helping hand at their facilities, assisting with administrative tasks, or offering your expertise in areas such as fundraising or marketing, your contribution can make a meaningful difference.

  3. Fundraising and Donations: Financial support is vital for the sustainability of Care Waialua's operations. Organizing or participating in fundraising events to help raise funds that can be used to offset the impact of the recent marijuana raid (shame on the Feds for even pursuing this, while opiates and meth are way more concerning). Encourage others to donate to the organization, and consider making a personal contribution to support their ongoing efforts. Every dollar donated can help them continue providing much-needed care to those in need.

  4. Advocate for Policy Change: The recent raid on the marijuana plants highlights the need for ongoing discussions around drug policy reform. Engage in conversations about the benefits of medical marijuana and advocate for policies that prioritize compassionate care and patient well-being. By joining forces with like-minded individuals and organizations, we can work towards creating a more supportive legal framework that aligns with the needs of our community.

  5. Foster Community Partnerships:Building strong community partnerships can be instrumental in supporting Care Waialua. Reach out to local businesses, organizations, and community leaders to collaborate on initiatives that promote compassionate care and raise awareness about the organization's mission. By working together, we can amplify our impact and create a network of support that benefits our community as a whole.


Why Won't They Leave Us Alone?

  1. Federal Law: Marijuana somehow remains illegal under U.S. federal law, classified as a Schedule I controlled substance. This classification means that it is considered to have a high potential for abuse, and no accepted medical use according to the feds and the bullies who control these laws. As a result, states face challenges in legalizing marijuana while federal law remains unchanged. Although many states have had reform, and started focusing on bigger issues that cause more damage to society, Hawaii as usual is lacking in this department continuing to focus on corruption and tourist profits.

  2. Public Opinion and Political Landscape: The views and attitudes of lawmakers and the general public play a significant role in shaping marijuana legislation. Historically, some policymakers and constituents have been hesitant to support the legalization of marijuana due to concerns about public safety, health effects, potential for abuse, and the influence of anti-drug campaigns. While "Batu" and opiates take over countless lives in the Hawaiian Islands, why would they see a place that helps people as a threat?

  3. Law Enforcement Perspective: Law enforcement agencies often have concerns about the impact of marijuana legalization on public safety, and the resources required to regulate and enforce new laws that help fund the county. Some may argue that the legalization of marijuana could lead to increased drug use or impaired driving, which is fair...this same reasoning has not banned businesses that sell Alcohol to shut down, we cannot agree that is this safer alternative for patients.

  4. Medical vs. Recreational Use: While Hawaii has implemented a medical marijuana program, the legalization of recreational marijuana presents additional considerations. Policymakers may have differing viewpoints on how to regulate and tax recreational use, as well as concerns about potential unintended consequences. Until then we need to just grow our own, get registered with the country to be a caretaker. We believe it is your right to consume this medicine at your own discretion at home, not while driving.

State Rep. Della Belatti clearly has no idea what she is talking about. Guns and Western Medicine is a harmful product that actually cause a detrimental amount of damage in our schools and city compared to Cannabis, hands down. We would love to have a more in length discussion with her someday.

In the face of adversity, it is our collective responsibility to rally behind organizations like Care Waialua, who provide essential care and support to those in need. By spreading awareness, volunteering time and skills, fundraising, advocating for policy change, and fostering community partnerships, we can help ensure that Care Waialua not only recovers from the recent setback but also thrives in its mission to bring healing and compassion to our community. Together, let us cultivate a culture of support, empathy, and resilience that uplifts those in need and strengthens the fabric of our community. While there are people like Della Belatti who believe Cannabis does more harm than good, we need to spread awareness, so people like this do not remain in office while we sail into a more positive future. We are hoping for major reform, as the amount people age and need to moderate chronic physical and mental pain. Only time will tell, until then keep fighting the good fight.

Mahalo Nui

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